Le55 is More

Alice had no idea why it was happening. At first she thought she was hallucinating--she did take a massive dose of LE55, the new party drug hitting the scene--but soon she realized it wasn't in her head. With every orgasm, she got smaller and smaller, and the smaller she got the hornier she got, as if the shrinking increased the drug's potency.

Eventually, she was microscopic. The only thing that seemed to keep her from shrinking into oblivion was that her physical exhaustion had finally outweighed her arousal. But the longer she rested, the more her arousal grew, and soon she couldn't help but start to idly touch herself again...

Wondering how small she would get before LE55 ran its course through her system...

And whether or not she would ever grow back...

Story by Raso
Artwork by Enroc

High resolution (2400x3800)

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