Hello, I’m the Watcher, multiple realities and multiple possibilities. Such as one timeline that is unique from the universe you know.
Welcome to the Infinity Warp World. Here, reality was changed by Gamora and collecting the Infinity Gems. Everyone was going to fight her when she transported everyone into the Soul Stone, and in the process, merged the heroes with each other and rewrote their histories into one being.
Here, She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters and The Wasp aka Janet van Dyne were merged into Jennifer Van Dyne, also known as Jenny aka Gamma Gal. Jenny is more comfortable being strong yet small. Becoming one of the best lawyers in the west coast, albeit with a small stature.
In this reality, Jenny was saved via blood transfusion by her at times defendant, Scott Banner aka Little Monster, who is a fusion of the Hulk and Ant-Man, who got their powers from a Gamma-powered Pym Particle beam. Both were the same blood type, and afterwards, Jenny unleashed her powers... albeit with a drawback as she shrank down and was naked. Modesty wasn’t an issue as she quickly defended herself in her loft from a Maggia called hit job and basically became a one-action-figure-sized-woman wrecking crew. Thanks to Reed Storm, he fitted her with a suit that shrinks down with her... but honestly she’s a bit of a free spirit and likes to be nude.
Then, she fought with her rival, Tiny Titan, who is Titania, but in this reality was a rival powered by Pym Particles. After stealing some from Pym Labs, her attack on Gamma Gal was during her nieces birthday party. They mostly fought inside the Barbie Dreamhouse. It was a pink colored staged battle that made a bigger mess than her niece could ever make.
Also, she sleeps with her boyfriend, Stark Odinson, a fusion of Iron Man and Thor, whose mighty steed in between his pants is strong enough for Jenny to handle.
Being both a lawyer and superheroine, but mostly the size of a toy, seems like a lot for Jenny to handle. However, she does it in stride but granted, every now and then, she needs a little me-time. All in all, Gamma Gal is one of the few heroes in this unique universe who proves that it is not the size that matters, it’s the size of the fight in the woman.
However, she is opting to design her own sized clothes since doll clothes are either too itchy or bulky and rubbery for her. It could be a start of a lucrative business!
Tags: shrunken woman, multiple shrunken woman, shrinking out of clothes, superheroes, doll-size, science, multiverse
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Story by mreddie |
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Artwork by Seduction Studio-Celestin |
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