Shrunken Woman Trading Cards: Now on Sale!

Thanks to the modern wonder of shrink tech (brought to you by Szalinzki Reduction Industries, BIG Earth, and The Thumbsize Foundation), the world is getting a whole lot bigger...

So, why not regain a little control by starting a new collection of your very own favourite Shrunken Women - with Greta’s awesome new trading Card Game?

At long last you can collect 150 of the world’s most famous ankle-high heroines - from Aurora Undersized to Zara Zappable, plus everyone in between!

And...if you’re lucky, you can even grab a rare shiny Greta Thumbsize herself!

RRP £4.50 per pack, from all good newsagents. Buy now before you’re too small to lift your Bank Card!

Story by Comrade
Artwork by Oscar Celestini

High resolution (2500x3742)

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