The Journey Home

Saber remained trapped underneath the sitting form of Tohsaka Rin for just under an hour, the black-haired magus repeatedly bouncing or wiggling to try and get comfortable. Eventually, Rin stood back up after her rest and prepared to leave, picking up her bag of groceries and muttering to herself about how uncomfortable benches were nowadays. The girl never so much as glanced back at the bench where she had been slowly crushing the Servant, and after all of that, Saber had been in no condition to draw attention to herself. Thus, she was left behind again as Rin walked away, meaning she was back to square one.

Eventually bouncing back, Saber resumed walking across the ground, trying to spot any useful landmarks she could use to navigate her way home to Shirou while avoiding being trampled or spotted by someone unsavory. Thankfully this time, after a few minutes of seemingly fruitless searching and dodging, Saber’s luck took a turn for the better, and she spotted a flash of familiar purple hair. Turning towards it, the blonde Servant saw the form of Sakura Matou standing on the sidewalk, currently preoccupied talking on a cellphone with her purse on the ground.

Wasting no more time, Saber ran towards the girl, who, while she was the Master of Rider, was also friends with Shirou, and so possibly her last chance to get home in any reasonable amount of time. As she drew closer, she also managed to overhear the girl’s conversation, and it was promising. “Oh? Yes Shirou, I should be over in just a little while. I thank you for the invitation to your house.”

Saber tried to shout for the purple haired girl’s attention, but as before, she was unable to be heard. With that in mind, Saber elected to go with Plan B.

Running forwards, Saber reached the base of the girl’s purse still on the ground and climbed up it, finding that it was mercifully open so she could get inside. Just then a shadow began to fall over her, and a glance upwards showed Sakura reaching down for her purse with one hand. With no more time to waste, the girl jumped into the bag just in time and landed awkwardly on the base inside. After that, the girl felt the whole bag be lifted up and start to move, and she needed to avoid being knocked around by the other contents of the purse. Things became more difficult when Sakura nearly knocked her out by dropping the phone on top of her, but after that, it was just another heavy threatening object. Still, Saber tried to remain strong, telling herself that every bump and impact by a purse bound object was another step home.

Story by Chaosbrain
Artwork by SednaStudio-Seneca

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