Petite Pleasures – Itty Bitty Bang Bang

Diane is a big girl – but she doesn’t want to be. She’d prefer her boyfriend to be much bigger than her, and thanks to a formula she’s concocted, her dreams are about to come true! However, she shrinks more than she had initially expected – and each climax makes her even smaller! How far down will this Itty Bitty Bang Bang take her?

Synopsis: Diane Fleming has decided to increase her sexual pleasure by decreasing her size. Every time she has an orgasm, she shrinks, and her pleasure increases with each decrease in height. Just how tiny will Diane get?

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Tang (Studio Arieta)

Tags: shrinking, shrinking woman, shrunken woman, process, sex, half-size, doll-size, handheld, mouse-size, bug-size, micro, shrinks during orgasm, pleasure, insertion, urethra insertion, shrunken woman on penis, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: July 1st, 2024

Issue Link: Itty Bitty Bang Bang

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


  • What did you think about Itty Bitty Bang Bang? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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Maleah Mysteriously Made Miniature – The Dwindling

Maleah has always been proud of her statuesque height. But her prized asset inexplicably begins slipping away, a tiny fraction at a time. Can she cope with life at an ever-smaller size? And how small will she be when she stops shrinking – if she even does?

Synopsis: For reasons unknown, Maleah is shrinking at the rate of a millimeter an hour. That means she is dwindling away by nearly an inch a day. With no determinable cause, there is no cure — and no way of knowing when (or if) it will stop. How will Maleah cope as she dwindles away… possibly to nothingness?

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Wang (Sedna Studio)

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, process, sex, half-size, doll-size, thumb-size, slice of life

Pages:15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: April 1st, 2024

Issue Link: The Dwindling

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


  • What did you think about The Dwindling? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!
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She Has Her Ups and Downs – Feeling Low

You think you’ve got problems? Whenever a depressive episode leaves Natalie Feeling Low, it’s literal – her size goes down along with her mood! So, when she has an especially rough time following a breakup, she gets really, really down…

Synopsis: Many people struggle with depression, but Natalie Harris’s condition is unlike any other: when she feels small, she gets small. Though her best friend Miranda tries to help, some days are just hard, which make Natalie’s problems bigger. And after one particularly bad day, Natalie may decide that her once tiny apartment will be her entire world…

Written By: Rogue Scholar

Artwork By: Rosita Amici

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, loose clothes, shrinking out of clothes, half-size, doll-size, bug-size

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: October 1st, 2023

Issue Link: Feeling Low

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


It Has Its Ups and Downs – Life Diminished 3

Things were going great for Sarah when an experimental treatment restored some of her lost height, greatly improving her Life Diminished. However, an unforeseen side effect has restarted her shrinking – and she may end up smaller than ever…

Synopsis: Dr. Lo’s restoration treatment grew “Amazing Shrunken Woman” Sarah Spencer up to forty-five inches tall. Unfortunately, the results were only temporary, and Sarah has started shrinking again. Will it stop before she reaches her previous height of thirty-five inches… or will she shrink below that? And what further complications await Sarah in her life diminished?

Written By: Scidram

Artwork By: Su (Studio Arieta)

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, half-size, doll-size, sex, slice of life, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: August 1st, 2023

Series Link: Life Diminished

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


Scale Modeling – Down Time

Keira’s the next big thing in the world of fashion modeling – but in her Down Time between gigs, she’s actually quite small! When she rekindles things with an old flame, he learns the secret to her success… and sexy shrunken shenanigans ensue!

Synopsis: Keira Lang is at the top of the modeling world, but she seldom grants interviews and doesn’t engage in partying like many other models. That’s because she has a secret life, one that no one who knows the Amazonian beauty would ever believe to be true… except maybe someone who knew her before her career took off.

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Wolfgee

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, process, half-size, doll-size, sex, height increase, clothes ripping, shrinking out of clothes, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: April 1st, 2023

Issue Link: Down Time

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


In Shrink-ness and Health – The 30-Inch Bride of Randy Cox

Raven has been happy with her boyfriend Randy, but when his jealous ex shows up with a cruel curse, their relationship needs to get to the next level – and fast – or she may end up shrinking out of existence! Check out The 30-Inch Bride of Randy Cox to see if the witnesses will need a magnifying glass!


Synopsis: Single woman Raven Provost is placed under a curse that causes her to shrink an inch an hour until she consummates a marriage. Desperate, she turns to her steady boyfriend: Randy Cox. Unfortunately, even the quickest of marriages is hours away. If these two lovebirds don’t hurry, Raven may get too small to consummate the marriage and shrink away to nothingness!

The-30-Inch-Bride-of-Randy-Cox_01-logo-socialmedia The-30-Inch-Bride-of-Randy-Cox_01-page-socialmedia

Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Mei (Studio Arieta)

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, shrinking out of clothes, half-size, doll-size, sex, blowjob, pleasure, revenge, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: February 1st, 2023

Issue Link: The 30-Inch Bride of Randy Cox

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


Looking Down on Her – Belittling Belinda

Self-absorbed businesswoman Belinda has a bad habit of rudeness and insults directed at her subordinates. However, she goes too far when she snaps at her secretary, who turns out to be a vengeful witch! Now, whenever anyone starts Belittling Belinda, she shrinks – talk about being con-descending!


Synopsis: People keep saying bad things about Belinda Wagner. Now, every time they say them within earshot of her, Belinda gets smaller. Why is this happening to her (and can anything be done to stop it)?

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Written By: Mac Rome

Artwork By: Bokuman

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, slow shrink, revenge, shrinking out of clothes, process, half-size, doll-size, bug-size, micro, magic

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: January 1st, 2023

Issue Link: Belittling Belinda

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!



(Half a) Slice of Life – Life Diminished 2

Sarah believes she’s gotten adjusted to her Life Diminished, and is used to functioning at half her normal size. However, when a new experimental treatment might make it possible for her to get back to her old self, she starts to consider whether she can carry on as she is, or whether the risk is worth taking…


Synopsis: Sarah Spencer was shrunk to thirty-five inches tall due to an unexpected side effect of an experimental cancer treatment. Over a year has passed since, and though adjusting to her stature has been challenging, Sarah has grown accustomed to it. However, when the doctor who treated her announces that she may have found a cure, will Sarah want her height restored… or will she choose to continue living her life diminished?

Life-Diminished_02-cover-socialmedia Life-Diminished_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: Scidram

Artwork By: Su (Studio Arieta)

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, half-size, height increase, slow growth, growth, mini-giantess, giantess, shrunken gts, slice of life, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: July 1st, 2022

Series Link: Life Diminished

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


The Other (Shrunken) Woman – Mini-Mistress

When Owen’s wife Cadie shows up unexpectedly, he needs a place to hide his lover Autumn, and fast! He comes up with the brilliant(?) idea to test out an experimental shrink ray on her, and before long, his Mini-Mistress is small enough to hide right under Cadie’s nose – or in Owen’s pocket!


Synopsis: Autumn Love is just about to get busy with her scientist boyfriend Owen when they’re interrupted by Owen’s wife coming home early! Short on places to hide, Owen decides to try out a little toy he brought home from the lab – and soon Autumn is a little toy herself! Once they’re out of trouble, she starts to consider the kinky potential of being doll-sized…

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Written By: Cezar Nix

Artwork By: Hmage

Tags: shrinking, shrinking woman, shrunken woman, shrinking out of clothes, sex, accidental shrinking, half-size, doll-size, science

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: June 1st, 2022

Issue Link: Mini-Mistress

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!


Rinse and Repeat – Laundry Day 2

Normally, if you accidentally shrink something in the wash on Laundry Day, you donate it, or throw it out, or at the very least don’t shrink it again. But in Nancie’s case, what got shrunk was her hot roommate Dawn… who’s now powerless in Nancie’s hands!


Synopsis: A fluke combination of laundry detergent, hot water, and hot air caused Dawn to shrink to thirty-one inches tall. Now she’s at the mercy of her roommate Nancie (who has been harboring a secret sexual attraction towards Dawn). Is Dawn’s life all washed up? Will Nancie hang her out to dry?

Laundry-Day_02-logo-socialmedia Laundry-Day_02-page-socialmedia

Written By: Scidram

Artwork By: Kaka (Sedna Studio)

Tags: shrinking, shrunken woman, process, half-size, doll-size, shrinking out of clothes, lesbian

Pages: 15 + 1 cover

Issue Release Date: March 1st, 2022

Series Link: Laundry Day

To download this comic and all of our other shrinking women comics purchase a 1-month membership to Shrink Fan!