Shrunken Women vs. Wild – Survival of the Smallest

A quiet hike suddenly turns into a grand adventure for two lesbian lovers in Survival of the Smallest, a new series from Shrink Fan featuring pages upon pages of sex and danger!


Synopsis: Two lovers find themselves shrunk in size after a terrible accident. However Jane has been shrunk further than her lover Katherine and now the pair must survive the wilderness at a fraction of their normal size.

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Release date: July 1st, 2017

Written by: a0040pc

Artwork by: Octo

Tags: Shrinking out of clothes, micro, lesbian, sex, insertion

Issue Link: Survival of the Smallest

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ALSO: What did you think about Survival of the Smallest? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

The Hero Returns – Undertoe 2

Shrink Fan‘s premier super-heroine dwindles to sizes smaller than any other character we’ve done yet in Undertoe 2, our first ever sequel!


Synopsis: Paula Fadeyushka’s incurable shrinking led to a brief career as the super-heroine Undertoe, but Paula has continued dwindling to microscopic size. As the world and her lover Chuck move on without her, can Paula find a way to return to a life among normal-sized humans, or has Undertoe fought her last battle? Will she even survive?

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Release date: May 1st, 2017
Written by: Mac Rome
Lineart by: Vincenzo Sansone
Colors byMohan
Tags: Shrinking woman, microscopic, sex, insertion, sub-atomic

Series Link: Undertoe

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Undertoe 2? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Cash Prizes and Cruelty – Size Smashers

Those who enjoy vore, insertion, crushing, and other forms of fetishistic cruelty towards shrunken ladies are sure to love Shrink Fan‘s new dystopian satire of reality TV: Size Smashers!


Synopsis: In the future, entertainment has regressed to games of life and death. Forced by economic pressures, young women risk their lives for a chance at fame and fortune. Come tune in for an episode of Size Smashers, where risks are high and rewards are even higher.

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Release date: April 1st, 2017

Written by: Zane of Bane

Lineart by: Davide Tinto

Colors by: Ross A. Campbell

Tags: Shrunken Woman, Feet, Vore, Anal Insertion, Inside View

Issue Link: Size Smashers

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Size Smashers? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!

Serving a Short Stint – Small Justice

The “women in prison” genre gets the Shrink Fan treatment with the debut of Small Justice, a new series detailing the difficult lives of shrunken felons at the mercy of normal-sized (but abnormally perverse) prison guards!


Synopsis: Thirty years ago, in a humanitarian movement, capital punishment was abolished. However, as an unintended consequence, the prison population slowly increased over the following decade, becoming a drain on society. Coinciding with a dip in the economy and threatening to push it into a depression, officials were under a lot of scrutiny until a private prison company by the name of “Cathion” invented a drug to shrink prisoners to a more manageable size and penitentiaries to accommodate them. However, when the general public couldn’t care less for the well-being of prisoners and even the government has turned a blind eye, who ensures the rights of the condemned?

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Release date: February 1st, 2017

Written by: Zane of Bane

Artwork by: Forst (Sedna Studio)

Tags: Shrunken Woman, Shrinking, Inside Panties, Multiple Giantesses, Prison, Insertion, Ass Play

Issue Link: Small Justice

Download this comic and every other in our catalog with a single 1-month membership to

ALSO: What did you think about Small Justice? Let us know your feedback in the comments section to help us improve!